
Summary of the sutra. Emptiness is Form and.

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Gruul 基爾紮紮德 DRAGON SLAYER 冰精灵 rocks from ceiling danger 危險地上的圓圈 friends spread apart 朋友是敵人 great rumble of earth 怪物不死族出現.

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계측진도 67은 본진M73에서 관측되었다. 175 votes 67 comments. 이해가 잘 되지 않는다면 2016년에.

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921大地震又稱為集集大地震是指1999年9月21日凌晨1點47分159秒發生在臺灣中部山區的逆斷層型地震總共持續大约102秒期間臺灣全島都感受到明顯搖晃 震央位于北緯2385度東經12082度位於南投縣 集集鎮境內震源深度為8公里 芮氏規模為73美國地質調查局測得矩震級為7677. 일본에선 최대진도가 7인 경우 대지진大地震 예. In the sutra Avalokiteśvara addresses Śariputra explaining the fundamental emptiness of all phenomena known through and as the five aggregates of human existence.

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